sens-vue Eye Care

Vision-threatening diseases

Vision Problems And Eye Diseases

Most common vision problems are genetically determined, such as strabismus, amblyopia, myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia, astigmatism and other refractive errors.

Eye Diseases

  • Both genetic factors and diseases can cause blindness.
  • Blind among Infants: Over 60% cases are caused by inherited eye diseases. 
  • Leading causes of vision loss and blindness among adults are glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, AMD, and and cataract.

Chronic Glaucoma


-A person with chronic glaucoma has neither pain nor other discomfort in the eyes. Most cases of chronic glaucoma are discovered by chance during a routine examination of the eyes. The sharp vision, which one uses to read and to watch TV with, is usually preserved for the longest time. Only when there has been significant damage to the optic nerve will you notice the outcomes in the visual field. Then it can be difficult to prevent further aggravation.


Regular checkups with an ophthalmologist If you have a hereditary predisposition to chronic glaucoma, you should have your eyes examined once a year by an ophthalmologist. If one experiences overlooking objects in the field of view, you should seek professional help. It is important to be aware that treating glaucoma is usually lifelong. The purpose of the treatment is to prevent the vision from deteriorating.

Acute Glaucoma

Acute glaucoma can be caused by a sudden blockage of fluid drainage from the eye, leading to an increase in eye pressure, severe pain and blurred vision. Untreated glaucoma leads to blindness, but can be treated medically or surgically if treatment is started in time. Acute glaucoma most often occurs in middle-aged and elderly people, but very rarely in people under 40 years of age. 90% of patients with glaucoma are farsighted. 


Impaired vision, and blindness on the affected eye, is a dreaded complication of acute glaucoma. It starts suddenly and unexpectedly. The patient does not notice anything until after several years. It tends to develop in the evening or in dark environments. Pay special attention to blurring of vision, as well as pain and rainbow vision when staying in the dark. 


Regular check-ups with an ophthalmologist. Without prompt treatment, the condition will lead to blindness. Even with treatment, some damage to the optic nerve often develops and causes impaired vision. Proper post-treatment can prevent new seizures. If you experience pain, blurred vision or rainbow vision when staying in the dark, seek eye care.


Cataracts are blurs in the lens of the eye that are found in the front of the eye behind the cornea. They can be acute or chronic. Cataracts are the most common cause of blindness, having affected 18 million population, or 48% of all blindness in the world. Age factor: Among people of 75yearolds, about half have blurred in the lens, which affects vision. Nearly all in their 80s have various degrees of opacity in the lens.


They develop gradually and almost imperceptibly, but can worsen quickly within a few weeks. Patients do not necessarily feel pain, burning or itching in the eyes, or any discomfort if the changes are modest. 


 Cataracts cannot be prevented. However, the risk of getting cataracts is reduced if you can prevent or treat diseases such as diabetes, injuries or other eye diseases.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Population-based research and studies have indicated there is a correlation between Obesity and the eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and age-related cataract and maculopathy. All parts of the eye can be affected by diabetes. The most serious complication is Diabetic Retinopathy. It can lead to irreversible blindness. Diabetes can lead to cataracts at an earlier age than in the rest of the population. 


The goal of prevention and treatment is to prevent the development of the changes in the retina and to prevent them from leading to damage to vision

Systematic screening can significantly reduce the incidence of blindness due to diabetes. The development of the changes on the retina can be prevented or delayed by strict regulation of blood sugar and blood pressure

Join a screening program with eye photography and follow the advices of ophthalmologists. If further changes threaten the vision, they can be treated with medication, laser beams, or operations.

Eye complications in other diseases

Why Choose Sens-Vue


We provide instant results to screen vision-threatening diseases. Our platform can also facilitate manual evaluation with remote specialists.


Our algorithm is highly accurate trained on a large patient base of diversity of ethnic backgrounds. All communication is highly encrypted.

Easy to operate

Our products are designed for clinicians as well as non-clinicians, without the need of lengthy trainings.

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